Think about what you want for your future that you don’t have now and envision it with belief and positive expectancy. It’s your vision of achievement, your dream that you can make a reality by having faith in yourself.
Everyone who becomes successful has a vision of what they can achieve in life. It may be money, being part of a nice group of people, more free time, buying your first home or a new home, giving more to charity, educating those in need, etc.
The list is virtually limitless.
Create a positive expectancy or vision of what you want for yourself. Whether it’s for today, next week, next month, a year from now, or five or ten years from now, keep your vision crystal clear and believe you’re going to achieve it.
Once you’ve put it in writing, train yourself to think about your vision most of the time.
As you take the first step towards turning your vision into reality, figure out what you really want in all aspects of your life. Set your goals and use iThrive to make them happen.
What is the most important thing you want in your life right now? “Money” was probably your answer. However, you and I are not motivated by money in and of itself. If you have a million dollars in cash but you’re confined to a desert island, what good is the million dollars? You might as well burn it to keep warm… it has no value.
What motivates us is what money can buy, whether it’s freedom, security, “toys,” or whatever. As you design your vision, get very specific. This is your dream… put no limitations on it.
You want money? How much do you want, when do you want it by, and what are you going to do with it?
You want to buy a new house? Great! Where do you want it to be? What’s it going to look like? How much is it going to cost? How are you going to decorate it? See how it works? You must specify your dreams and be concise in your visualization.
Turn your goals into reality by using iThrive to do so!
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